Thursday 31 March 2011

Preliminary Exercise Final Post

Main Project Initial Thoughts

Main Project Final Thoughts
Title - Clear Bets

Plot/ Outline - An assassin is contracted to hunt down a mafia leader, he is in a restaurant currently closed, and he is shot, the assassin leaves not realising that the mafia leader does not die, a friend of the mafia leader runs into the restaurant not realising what has just happened and rescues the mafia leader.

Opening sequence outline/summary
Assassin is seen making his way to a restaurant, this is where the mafia leader is. See above for rest of details.
1 – Main Assassin
2 – Gangsters (Inc. leader)
2 – Waitresses

Toplighting, backlighting to create a sense of being superior. Low ambient lighting. Few lights used with mise on scene.
 Main Task Research - Codes & Conventions
This is the first few minutes of a film which is placed so that the audience watching the film know what the plot is, as the plot of the movie is in these first few minutes. If these few minutes are not good than these can make the audience feel confused and lost when the rest of the film is playing.

Gangster Movies
Motifs of The Gangster Genre
1. The hero is an immigrant who dislikes his low status in life and wants more.
2. Unlike the Western, this story takes place in the big city. The wide open plains have been traded in for the seedy alleyways and wharves of the urban jungle.
3. The gangster can only gain power by taking it. It is survival of the fittest, and the only law is the law of the jungle.
4. The only loyalty the gangster feels is for his own immigrant roots.
5. Success is measured in material goods - flashy cars, expensive clothes, and mansions. Women are measures of success as well.
6. The hero's antagonist is society, and the enforcers of the law. The police, the FBI, the CIA represent the enforcers of societal status quo.
7. The end justifies the means.


Our chosen location for filming our production was in a restaurant, this proved very hard as we can only film at certain times, and the restaurant started undergoing certain changes, this prevented us from filming as much as we would have liked to.
Because of the lack of light, the camera could not focus and was slightly blurred, this was only seen as we upload the content to a PC, therefore we have to go back and film again with more light so the camera can have better focus, for this we will use more light and a gold reflector.We chose not to use a tripod during some shots as we thought at first that this would portray the image of a first person view slightly better.
We hope to film our last shots this weekend, these are the entrance & exit shots, and some shots of the last seconds of the clip.
Our rough cut will require some more editing as it feels more like a trailer due to cutting back and forth.